
zooaRch: An R Package for Zooarchaeological Analyses

Zooarchaeology is concerned with the analysis and inference of faunal remains recovered from archaeological sites. The zooaRch package provides analytical tools for zooarchaeologic
Zooarchaeology is concerned with the analysis and inference of faunal remains recovered from archaeological sites. The zooaRch package provides analytical tools for zooarchaeological data. Functions in this package allow users to read, manipulate, visualize, and analyze zooarchaeological data. The zooaRch package can be downloaded freely from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).
To cite package ‘zooaRch’ in publications, kindly use both the R package citation and American Antiquity publication :

geomorph: Geometric morphometric analysis of 2d/3d landmark data

“geomorph” is an R package containing programs to read, manipulate, and digitize landmark data; generate shape variables via Procrustes analysis for points, curves and surface
“geomorph” is an R package containing programs to read, manipulate, and digitize landmark data; generate shape variables via Procrustes analysis for points, curves and surface data, perform statistical analyses of shape variation and covariation, and provide graphical depictions of shapes and patterns of shape variation. Geomorph can be downloaded freely from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).

Ontogenetic Allometry Trajectory Significance Test

Program to conduct significance testing of ontogenetic-allometry trajectories using residual randomization and within-age category sample size bootstrap (implementing work in, Ande
Program to conduct significance testing of ontogenetic-allometry trajectories using residual randomization and within-age category sample size bootstrap (implementing work in, Anderson, M. J., and C. J. F. Ter Braak, 2003; Collyer, M. L., and D. C. Adams. 2007; Piras, P., P. Colangelo, D.C. Adams, A. Buscalioni, J. Cubo, T. Kotsakis, C. Meloro, and P. Raia. 2010; KP McNulty, SR Frost, DS Strait 2006). ResidualRandwithBootRcode.r

Multivariate: 2Block Partial LS and Ordinations

General programs I wrote to conduct 2Block Partial Least Squares (from Rohlf and Corti 2000 systematic biology), Principal Components Analysis, Principal Coordinates Analysis, Corr
General programs I wrote to conduct 2Block Partial Least Squares (from Rohlf and Corti 2000 systematic biology), Principal Components Analysis, Principal Coordinates Analysis, Correspondence Analysis, Canonical Correspondence Analysis, and Redundancy Analysis. 2blockPLS_and_ordinations.r


Anthropology provides an excellent forum for the initiation of lifelong learning. I therefore strive to stimulate students’ intellectual capabilities and instill enthusiasm for learning about the variation in human evolutionary behavior and and how to successfully answer scientific questions about this topic.

I currently teach several courses in Archaeology and Quantitative/Computational Anthropology. Descriptions for my primary undergraduate and graduate courses are provided below.

ANTH 306 – Quantitative Methods for Anthropologists

This course provides an introduction to the broad statistical methods used throughout the 4-fields of Anthropology. It covers elementary probability theory, basic concepts of stati
This course provides an introduction to the broad statistical methods used throughout the 4-fields of Anthropology. It covers elementary probability theory, basic concepts of statistical inference, sampling theory, regression and correlation methods, analysis of variance, and study design. The course will motivate statistical methods through data analysis and visualization. It is designed for students who intend to focus in an anthropological discipline as well as other social and biological sciences. There are no pre-requisites from the Statistics or Mathematics Departments. This course will be useful to students of all interests, but particularly to students interested in quantitative science literacy, students planning for graduate work, students interested in joining the workforce and becoming part of the educated citizenry.

ANTH 377 – Hunter-Gatherer Societies

Selective global survey of societies whose mode of subsistence is/was based on the collection of wild food resources. Topics to be covered include: the development and current stat
Selective global survey of societies whose mode of subsistence is/was based on the collection of wild food resources. Topics to be covered include: the development and current state of theory, ecology, social organization, land use, demography, subsistence rights, and worldview.

ANTH 606 – Advanced Quantitative Methods

The course provides a broad overview of research strategies and techniques commonly employed in the various subfields of anthropology. Surveying the data analysis toolbox, this cou
The course provides a broad overview of research strategies and techniques commonly employed in the various subfields of anthropology. Surveying the data analysis toolbox, this course is designed for students interested in applying quantitative or mixed methods to their research. This course is appropriate for students at all stages: whether designing a study and formulating hypotheses, preparing to collect data, or post data-collection. Topics include sampling, univariate and multivariate confirmatory and exploratory statistics, model selection, Bayesian methods, spatial modeling & GIS, and other specialized topics.

ANTH 425 – Archaeological Method & Theory

This course is an introduction to the current theories and methods employed by contemporary anthropological archaeologists to make inferences about human populations who lived in t
This course is an introduction to the current theories and methods employed by contemporary anthropological archaeologists to make inferences about human populations who lived in the past. Topics include the history of archaeology, archaeological theories, and discussions of survey and field techniques, how archaeologists analyze material remains from the archaeological record to reconstruct multiple aspects of human behavior. These include human cultural practices, diet and subsistence, migrations, social and political organization, and many other characteristics of past human populations. Although the structure of the course focuses on archaeological methods and theories, it will be interspersed with case studies that demonstrate how archaeologists actually reconstruct human behavior and address anthropological questions about the past.


Where to find me

If you are interested in discussing research or a class, just drop by my office or lab. Making an appointment first, however, might ensure I am in my office and will be able to meet with you.

Physical Location:

Stone Hall Room 219C, Purdue University


Physical Location:

Stone Hall Room 218

Stone Hall Room 098

Anthropology Department, Purdue University

Mailing Information

Department of Anthropology

Purdue University
700 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN, 47906

Message me